Saturday, June 2, 2007

Have you ever...

1. Worked at McDonalds?
No…but I did work at Burger King. There was even a time when my hair color matched my burgundy uniform shirt!

2. Slept in a different bed?
Huh? Than who? At the same time that I’m already a one particular bed?

3. Snuck into a movie theater?
Nah…I worked at one so there was no point in that!

4. Made out in Wal-Mart?
I don’t even like to shop at Wal-Mart, so I sure as heck ain’t gonna make out in one!

5. Thought your cousin was hot?

7. Slept upside-down?
As in my head at the foot of the bed? Yes. As in my feet hovering just below the ceiling? No!

8. Said hi to a stranger?
Yeah, I’m not rude (most of the time)!

9. Gone over the speed limit?
Every time I get in the car!

10. Painted your room?
Yep! It’s been almost 3 years and I still haven’t cleaned up the walls either!

11. Drove a car?

12. Fell in public?
Yes and I ruined a brand new pair of pants, sprained my right ankle, and fell, full body weight, on my left knee!

14. Been dumped?
Hasn’t everyone at some point in their lives?!

15. Stole money from a friend?

16. Gotten in a car with people you just met?
Not that I remember…but it’s possible!

17. Been in a fist fight?
Nope…I’m a lover not a fighter!

18. Snuck out of your house?
Only once that I can remember.

19. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?

20. Been arrested?
Most definitely not!

21. Made out with a stranger?
I plead the fifth on this one...

22. Left your house with out telling anyone?
Hello!! I’m single…I do it all the time!

23. Chopped down a tree?

24. Ditched school or work to do something more fun?
Of course I have…why do you think I barely passed high school!

25. Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?

26. Seen someone die?
I have…it was very sad and heart-wrenching, but welcoming at the same time.

27. Been on a plane?
Sure have…just about 4 weeks ago!

29. Slept in until 3pm?
Not in this lifetime! I'm lucky if I get to sleep past 7am!

30. Love or miss someone right now?
Sure do!

31. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?

32. Made snow angels?

33. Played dress up?

34. Cheated on a game?
When I was a little girl!

35. Been lonely?
Do I have to answer this one?

36. Fallen asleep at work/school?
Let’s put it this way…Starbucks is my best friend!

37. Been to a club?
I have…but it’s been many years! And, no, I don’t miss it!

38. Felt an earthquake?
I live in California don’t I?!

40. Ran a red light?
Yes…but please don’t tell my Sergeant!!!!

41. Been suspended from school?
Nope…I’m a very good girl!

42. Had Sushi?
Yes, but it’s gross!

43. Been in a car accident?
Yep…but I was a passenger.

44. Hated the way you look?

45. Witnessed a crime?
Yes…that would be the crime that I committed!

46. Been lost?

47. Been to the opposite side of the country?
Yes…used to live over there.

48. Felt like crying from embarrassment?
When I was younger I would…but I’ve toughened up since then.

49. Cried yourself to sleep?
yes...I have.

50. Sang karaoke?
I have…after many alcoholic beverages!

51. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
Guilty as charged!

52. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose?
Yes, many times! Carbonated beverages definitely hurt the most! I don’t recommend that you eat or drink anything while watching Dodgeball!

53. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?

54. Kissed in the rain?
No, but I’d like to!

56. Had a dream that you married someone?

57. Glued your hand to something?
What kind of crazy person would do that?!

59. Ever gone to work partially naked?
That would depend on your definition of “partially naked!”

60. Been a cheerleader?
Nope, couldn’t stand them in high school!

61. Sat on a rooftop?

62. Didn't take a shower for a week?
While camping, yes. But I always take a lot of baby wipes!

63. Ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?

64. Played chicken?
I’m not stupid!

65. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
Have you met my family?!

66. Been told you were hot by a complete stranger?
Not in so many words, but yes!

67. Broken a bone?

69. Laugh so hard you cried?
Yes…while watching Dodgeball!

70. Cheated on a test?

72. Blacked out from drinking?
So the story goes!

73. Played a prank on someone?
Again…have you met my family?! Did it last week, as a matter of fact! :)

74. Gone to a late night movie?

76. Failed a class?

77. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat?

80. Do you celebrate the 4th of July?
Of course!

81. Thrown strange objects?
What do you consider strange?

82. Felt like killing someone?
Every day!!!!! Those of you that know what I do for a living can understand that!

83. Thought about running away?
Yes…but I was told, “you can’t!”

87. Cried over someone?

88. Owned more than 5 sharpies?
I don’t think so…but I do buy at least one new Sharpie every year before my NASCAR race.

89. Dated someone more than once?
Boy, was that one of the dumbest things on record!

90. what's your favorite color?
Pink and red

91. Own an instrument?

92. Been in a band?
Not technically

93. Drank more than 25 sodas in one day?
I don’t think I’ve drank more than 25 of anything in one day!

94. Broken a CD?

95. Shot a gun?

96. Been on MySpace/Blogger for more than 5 hours?

97. Have you ever been jealous of any of your siblings?
I have no siblings to be jealous of!

98. Who is your youngest friend?
I think that would be Sheryl.

99. Have you ever came close to dying?
You mean like by the idiot in the jacked-up 4x4 that decided to run the red light and almost hit me head on at about 50 mph?!

100. Ever had a sand fight?
How dumb is that?

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