Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New Year, Old Pictures

Okay...so they're not that old...but they are from last year!

Hume Lake - September '07

The boy child was very excited about doing this while standing in line for 30 minutes. Not so much once he was strapped in!

The girl child, on the other hand, loved every minute of it!

Daddy and girl child goofing off in the cafe.

Disneyland - October '07

Someone wanted to have a picture with Cruella...! :)

Had to try on the Pirate's mouse ears! Definitely completes the outfit, don't you think?!

Halloween - October '07

Red Power Ranger and an Angel

Gorgeous and great kids!

Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk - November '07

Auntie and the boy child enjoying the ride!

The daredevil girl child...had a hard time getting her off the roller coaster. Yes, that's her in the front row with arms up high!

The goofball boy child waiting in line to ride the hello-copters...again!

Christmas - December '07

Why yes, those are Willy Wonka glasses! They really help you out when you're rockin' on Guitar Hero! ;)

There's nothing like a voice-changing Transformers helmet to make the holiday's complete!

San Simeon - December '07Road trip to see the new baby elephant seals

Sunday, January 13, 2008

A New Year, A New Post

Yes, I know I know...I haven't blogged in like, well, okay...FOREVER!!! And, yes I know...it's been even longer since I've actually done a real post. I have found that my heart has just not been in it to get a post done. Actually I don't think my heart's been in it to do a lot of things lately, or for a long time for that matter. Please forgive me?!

So lets see...what's been going on...
There was Hume Lake, Disneyland, Halloween, Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, San Simeon, and Christmas, and I finally got to meet my friend Anne. I think I actually have pictures of all of the previously stated activities so I'll try to get some posted within the next or so. Of course in between all of this there was still work and school.

I finished up Advanced Accounting in mid-December and then had 3 weeks off!!! I started back up with school last Monday and am currently taking Introduction to Statistics. It's not too bad. I've now finished all of my accounting classes except for my Capstone class. I've got 5 classes left to take after this one and an exam to take to get out of English and one more General Ed exam to take and then I'll be done with my Bachelor's Degree. If I can get all of this wrapped up, I should be graduating in December...of 2008!!! :) Call me crazy (I do all the time), but I'm thinking about going back to get my Master's when I'm done with my Bachelor's. I never thought I would actually say that considering how sick of school I am, and have been for a long time.

Oh...and guess what?! My annual trip to Fontana in SoCal for the NASCAR race is coming up next month! I'll be heading out on Friday, February 22nd, for a weekend of race festivities! It's going to be so much fun and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!