Thanks Katie-Did! :)
Layer One: On the Outside
Name: Maya
Birthday: June 18
Current Location: in Pismo Beach, in a king sized bed...alone
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: brown
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Layer Two: Just Below the Surface
Your Weakness: I always take care of everyone else before taking of myself
Goal: to be happy and know that it's ok to put Maya first once in a while
Your Fears: dying with nothing to leave behind
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up: again?
Your bedtime: anywhere between 8:30pm and 1am
Your most missed memory: belly laughing
Layer Four: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: diet cherry coke, please
McDonald’s or Burger King: hmmm....depends on which one is more conveniently located
Single or Group dates: can I just have A date? Please?!
Adidas or Nike: doesn't matter to me as long as they're comfortable
Lipton Tea or Nestea: Lipton
Chocolate or Vanilla: definitely chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: just depends on my mood
Layer Five: Do You?
Smoke: no, just the smell of it turns my stomach
Have a crush: not right now
Think you’ve been in love: yep
Want to get married: I think so
Believe in yourself: trying to
Think you’re a health freak: not really, I go both ways
Layer Six: In the Past Month
Drank alcohol: yes
Gone to the mall: of course
Eaten Sushi: yeah, don't like it so much
Gone skating: that was my favorite thing to do when I was a little girl
Dyed your hair: yep, but not as often as i used to
Layer Seven: Have You Ever?
Played a stripping game: don't think so
Gotten beaten up: nope
Changed who you were to fit in: unfortunately, yes I have
Layer Eight: Getting Old
Age you’re hoping to be married: I was kinda hoping that I would've already been married by now
Plastic Surgery or Wrap: probably wrap...I'm scared of the knife
Buried or Cremated: Cremated
Layer Nine: Perfect Mate
Best Eye Color: doesn't's what I see when I look into the eyes, not the color
Best Hair Color: prefer dark hair
Short or Long Hair: short
Layer Ten: What were you doing…
1 HOUR AGO: counting down the miles until I got to Pismo
1 WEEK AGO: tried to go to a baseball game that was standing room only
1 MONTH AGO: starting what felt like the beginning of the end
1 YEAR AGO: busting my butt work school and work trying to get ready for a trip to Montana
Layer Eleven: Finish the SentenceI LOVE:
my friends and family...and the boy child's belly laughI HATE: ????
myselfI MISS:
feeling normalI NEED:
to be happy