Friday, March 16, 2007

My life as a student...

basically sucks! As I sit here at my computer, it is currently the morning!!!! Technically I've been up since 3:15. Unfortunately I have found that this is when I get my best homework done. No one is up, unless you count the paperboy that should be tossing (actually throwing) the newspaper on my front porch any minute, the phone's not ringing, no TV on, no loud music coming from my neighbors across the street, nobody's driving by, etc, etc. The bad side to getting up in the middle of the night is that I'm dog tired by the time I get home from work at 5:30pm. I have dinner, do a little homework, and (no joke) I'm in bed by 8pm. Sometimes I'm even in bed by 7:30pm. The only other people that I know that go to bed that early are little people (aka: children)!

So, to make a long story short, I have no life! I hardly ever see my friends (which is why they were so happy for me to start a blog so they could keep up with my life) or family, let alone talk with them on the phone. But, in the end, it will all be worth it and I will have my Bachelor's Degree...FINALLY!!!

Hmmm, what will I do with all of that newly found free time? The possibilities are endless and I can't wait!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The grass is always greener...

in North Carolina. Ok, so here's where I'm at: single, no kids, about done with my Bachelor's degree, able to go anywhere, anytime. Can you see where I'm going with this? Those of you that live here in Fresno, or even in another part of California, know how expensive the housing market is. I know full well that my first job in accounting isn't going to pay me enough to be able to afford a $300,000 house! Just ain't gonna' happen!

So, that being said, if you were in my shoes (like my new sassy, strappy brown ones!), where would you be willing to move to? What would be your wish list for a new place? Any places you absolutely would not move to? What are things that are important to you to consider before making a move like this?

I've got my eyes on Charlotte, North Carolina right now. I mean, HELLO, it's the hub of all things good and pure: NASCAR!!!!

A girl's got to have new shoes...

and I love to buy new shoes! They're cute! They're strappy! They're sassy! So what do you think?

Some people may say that I have too many shoes. I say that a girl can never have too many shoes, there's just no such thing as far as I'm concerned! And, yes, the toes are freshly manicured as well!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Another one bites the dust...

Governmental and Not-for-profit accounting is now done! Thank you Lord! I think it may be time for a book burning...and, no, I'm not kidding! This was the worst book I've had to deal with so far in all of my college classes. There were limited (extremely) examples in the book and up until about 3 weeks ago, the instructor was absolutely useless! She was completely MIA until, I think, someone complained about her because all of a sudden, she she started paying attention to her students. What a concept!! If I come out of this class with a "B", I'll be content...although it will ruin my streak of "A's" I've got going on. If I get an "A", party's on!

Next up we have Cost Accounting, which I've heard is also a bear but not anywhere near as bad as the one I just slayed! Why do I get the suspicion that it's not going to get any better from here? Luckily I do have a carrot waiting for me in 4 weeks and another in 8 weeks! At the beginning of April, I get to take (I hope) my lovely niece to Disneyland with me! In 8 weeks, I'm hoping a plane to see family up in Montana! Woohoo!!!!

The countdown has begun...